Sunday, May 13, 2018

Coming elections for County Commissioner

I received this email from Clint Cord, obviously! Tuesday is an important election day for us in Kootenai County.

Clint Cord

Attachments9:18 PM (9 minutes ago)

Greetings rural friends and neighbors!
With one the THE most critical election cycles about to begin with our primary election on May 15th..  the stakes are HUGE and some of the players are getting downright nasty and dirty in their campaigns.  Since we can no longer rely on JUST campaign promises and platforms.. we also have to sift through the deluge of attacks and lies being spread to further the ulterior motives of the few who wish to take control of ALL of Kootenai County Government!  We are DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to losing control to a few who will rule according to extreme and radical ideologies.  
There are a couple of candidates for County Commissioner seats who are committed to being PUBLIC SERVANTS 
 objective and fiscally responsible decisions 
​on behalf of ​
the taxpaying public
.  ​
 We already experienced bought and paid for Commissioners and it nearly cost us our rural freedoms from developers.  Now with even more sinister intentions on the part of an aggressive and diligent group of admitted wanna-be dictators.. your votes on Tuesday, May 15th will set the stage for the future of Kootenai County!

​Here is the County website which can lead you to tons of information including Sunshine Reports and filing information:

I can only personally recommend Bob Thornton for District 3 (North Kootenai County) because he is one of us.. a true supporter of maintaining our rural freedoms and providing governance through common sense and public input.  He is running against the incumbent Bob Bingham.   My second choice is for Bill Brooks running against Marc Eberlein for District 1 seat.  Bottom line.. Thornton and Brooks are NOT part of the organized group intending to dominate and rule our local politics. 
Lastly, I'm attaching a recent editorial in the CDA Press that will reveal the scandalous antics of the power hungry zealots behind the campaigns. 
See ya at the polls.. and bring a friend or three :

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