Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Letter and Comment

Norma Jean & Chris:

I would like to thank you both very much for running in the election yesterday for positions on the BW&S Board.  I sincerely appreciate that you both were willing to step up and give voters a choice.  You both can hold your heads high for running an ethical race and not passing out misinformation regarding voter status. 

It is unfortunate that those elected will not be watching out for their customers, the employees and the district operations.  The problem has been that the previous newly elected board members (last couple of years) have been seen around town discussing board business without other board member present and with some members of the general public, which violates open meeting laws.  They are not transparent and any chance they get, slam the previous board under Chuck Waller, without knowing or listening to the facts or the reasoning behind their actions.  It is disgraceful and everything that the new board accuses the past board of doing is done 10 fold under their watch.  I personally feel that those board members residing on the Cape and in Bonner County could care less about those actually residing in the town and in Kootenai County. I base this on their actions, defensiveness, and attitudes, which has been apparent and hostile at many board meetings.  The voters retained Rich, which will be more of the same.  Robyn is newly elected and from my understanding the same philosophy is shared.  Maybe, Jan,  the newly appointed can be a voice of reason to the others.  I sincerely hope that the face of the office will also show more professionalism, customer service and respect to ANYONE that she encounters and a daily basis.  ANYONE that interacts with her is a customer, be it an employee, board member, other contractors and the general public.  This is Customer Service 101 and she is the face of the district.  Good luck, all. 


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