Monday, March 13, 2017

Attention threat to our Rural Lifestyle again

Urgent notice to ALL Kootenai County rural landowners!

In his persistent campaign to become further enriched by creating HUGE, high density developments in our rural habitat, Swartout has pulled out all the stops this time!  His court appeal for zoning denial was remanded back to the KC Commissioners due to "ambiguous and subjective" language in the then, current zoning codes. Swartout's attorney Scott Poorman, has submitted to adopt NEW DEFINITIONS to the recently completed re-write and passed into law zoning ordinances. Can you see the blatant "conflict of interest" here?  Though equally subjective in wording, IF adopted, this could potentially subject ALL OF RURAL KOOTENAI COUNTY TO MASSIVE DEVELOPMENTS - COUNTYWIDE!!
It is IMPERATIVE that WE DEFEND AGAINST THESE CHANGES - or we may be DOOMED to accept our fate that even after all of our successful oppositionefforts, ALL CAN BE UNDERMINED by amending the codes that currently attempt to protect us from loosing our rural lifestyles to development greed.  Swartout has been busted by seeking favor with campaign contributions in the past.  He has failed to shove his intentions and goals down our throats due to our UNITED OPPOSITION!  His court appeal was essentially rejected due to "vague" language in the previous zoning codes.  HIS ONLY HOPE NOW is to create new language benefiting ALL DEVELOPERS eyeing our rural landscape with visions of subdivisions, golf courses and commercial centers.  Look no further than the Post Falls and Rathdrum Prairies as to how quickly open fields can transform into urban sprawl.  
There is a Public Hearing scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 23 that can provide us with an opportunity to demonstrate that we, the rural taxpayers and voters are STILL UNITED in our efforts to protect ourselves from spot zoning.  We would like to express to the board that we don't want ANY of Poorman's proposed amendments to the codes neither considered or accepted!  As with previous Public Hearings, we are allowed to donate individual speaking time to increase the time for volunteers with prepared rebuttals.  Our main influence will be the physical attendance of as many interested and concerned rural folks willing to be present within the County's capacity to accommodate around 200 people.  Considering previous demonstrations of 500+ in attendance at each event, we should easily be able to fill the room - eh?  
We have PROVEN time and time again that public opinion counts.  PLEASE don't let this corrupting scheme sneak through!!  Attend and Unite!

Thursday, March 23rd at 6 pm

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