Sunday, November 5, 2017

The tale of two old ladies in flip-flops

Tmberlake Fire Commissioner Rudy Rudebaugh

Name:  David “Rudy” Rudebaugh

Town you live in: Athol, ID              

Age: 57

How long have you been a resident of the city or district?:  12 Years

Are you married:  Almost

Do you have children: Yes   How many:  four Boys and one daughter

Highest level of education completed:  14 years

Degrees held:  AA in computer information technology with a business emphasis.


Business owner of Victory Auto Parts 12 Years

Solid Rock Solutions (Pro Audio Visual, Sound and Lighting) 17 years

Civic groups or nonprofit boards you belong to:

Athol Chamber of Commerce, Charter Member and sit on the Board of Directors,

Idaho State Fire Commissioners Association, President last 2 years

of approximately 165 Fire Districts which represents over 500 Elected Fire Commissioners throughout the state.

Idaho State Fire Commissioners Association Legislative team.  I was a member of the team that fought for equality for 5 years for Occupational Illnesses’ of firefighters.  Results, Idaho now has approximately 7000 Volunteer Firefighters and the 1200 Career firefighters with the same coverage.  

Idaho Fire District Training LLC, Board member that sponsors Fire Commissioners and Chief Officers training through the state. Primary focus of understanding the statues, which we operate under, protection of liabilities within an agency, where to find resources and much more.

Volunteer work:

Economic leader in the Athol Area Rural Community review in 2016.

Sponsorship of 11 classic car shows in conjunction with Athol Days.

Previous political experience:  Timberlake Fire Protection District Commissioner, President of Idaho State Fire Commissioners Association, Board member Idaho Fire District Training LLC.


What prompted you to seek election to this position?

I am seeking reelection, so I may continue to serve the taxpaying citizens of the Timberlake Fire Protection District in maximizing the provided tax dollars with efficient budgets in providing the citizens the best possible depth of service. Insuring equipment and training programs keep our members safe as they serve you. Working with and achieving collective bargaining agreement s with the Districts Union members while finding the delicate balance between available dollars and their needs. The volunteer program is currently in the best shape in Timberlake’s history and is receives positive comments all over the state of Idaho. You now have two newer fire engines, a brush truck alongside a water tender all purchased within budget planning and the proper management of the districts Local Government Investment Accounts (LGIP).

What are three things you will work to change or improve if elected?

1.   The continuation of a board of Commissioners who understand their duties and responsibilities as outlined in the many various rules and statues, which guide us. This means finding the balance of meeting the first and foremost issue of Firefighter safety while serving you during some of the worst times you may be having. Secondly, having a budget that meets the employee’s needs in the district, which includes vehicles, facilities and protective equipment, while they deliver first class service to you the customer. 

1.   The continued growth of the resident/intern program alongside with our current volunteer program.  This is extremely important for the fire district as in a combination fire department is one of the factors in order to keep your homeowners insurance rates as low as possible. This requires us to maintain a ratio of two volunteers for every fulltime career employee.

2.   Continue the Strategic Planning process we have begun with the Fire District employees, Citizen Involvement and an open-minded non-biased thought processes for the long-term health and stability of your fire district. This will assist in your fire districts long-term best interest in meeting your needs.  

What makes you the best candidate?

I feel that based on my nearly eight years of experience in the Timberlake Fire District I have maintained my promise of “Responsible Decision Making on behalf of the Taxpaying Citizen”.  This to me means the members of the district are able to serve you in the safest possible environment, I believe in a strong career and volunteer fire district, which maximizes every tax dollar received as we serve you.

I feel that my in-depth understanding and experience gained as the President of the Idaho State Fire Commissioner Association has given insight and skills to continue to part of the positive leadership your fire department deserves. I do not have any hidden agendas.

In closing, I sincerely appreciated support and trust since 2010 you have placed in me.

David “Rudy” Rudebaugh

Commissioner Zone 4

Timberlake Fire Protection District